
Request :

DOT is requested to refer to the reply given by the Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamilnadu against the Remarks column of the Grievance Registration Docket No: DOPPW/E/2018/14682 (Copy enclosed), which was disposed of on 14.08.2018, stating that “DoT HQ New Delhi vide letter no. 40-12/2004-Pen(T)/Pt dated 17/05/2018 has issued directions to prospective settling of cases of Executives regulating their fixation of pay. As the applicant has retired before the date of issue of latest orders, pensionary benefits were settled as per orders existing on the date of retirement and hence no revision of pension needs to be made”.
DoT may confirm that vide its Order No. 40-12/2004-Pen(T)/Pt dated 17/05/2018
i) it had given directions for prospective settling of the cases of the executives regulating their fixation of pay and
ii) also that those who retired before the date of the issue of this Order No. 40-12/2004-Pen(T)/Pt 17/5/2018, as contended by CCA, Tamilnadu, are not to be allowed the benefit of this Order which was issued following quashing and setting aside of the DOT Order No. 40-12/2004-Pen(T)(Pt) dated 05.07.2017 by Principal CAT, New Delhi.