
Request :

1. After the Honorable Supreme Court Judgement on 26th Sep2018 in WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 494 OF 2012, have requested Reliance Jio Infocom Limited on 19th Oct2018 to de-link UIDAI(AADHAR) from the mobile numbers held with them since it is not mandatory as per the judgement and also it invades my fundamental rights to life and liberty, Privacy rights and other fundamental right conferred to me by part III of Indian Constitution.
2. However till the date Reliance Jio Infocom Limited is refusing to de-link UIDAI(AADHAR) stating that instructions from Department of Telecommunications(DoT) are still awaited.
3. Kindly confirm on following points.

a. After Honorable Supreme Court of India judgement in above referred case whether (DoT) has issued any guidelines/circular to de-link UIDAI(AADHAR) from existing mobile connections to telecom operators including Reliance Jio Infocom Limited.
b. If reply is yes to point number a then please provide date on which it is issued.
c. If reply is yes to point number a then please provide copy of such guidelines / circular.
c. If such guidelines are not issued till the date as claimed by Reliance Jio Infocom Ltd then is DoT aware of the fact that it along with telecom operators is liable to face proceedings for contempt of court.
d. If such guidelines are not issued till the date as claimed by Reliance Jio Infocom Ltd then when DoT is planning to issue such guidelines / circular.
4. pdf copy of correspondence had with Reliance Jio Infocom Limited including last email dated 04th Nov2019 claiming that they are waiting further instruction from Department of Telecommunication is attached for reference.