Application Right to information act 2005
Sagar 20/ 07/2018
Central public information officer(C.P.I.O.)
Deptt.of Telecommunication(D.O.T.)
( TERM CELL)Govt.of india
Doorsanchar Bhawan,second floor
Hoshangabad road Bhopal (M.P.)
PIN 462015
Sub. Regarding giving the following information in R.T.I.
I am sunita jain wife of pawan kumar jain s/o phool Chandra jain I.T.S.Officer group A dippt. Of tellecomunication ( D.O.T.)( G.O.I.) staff no.8619 date of birth 02/08/1964.Family dispute between my husband pawan kumar jain & me is going on.To solve the disput ,I need the following true copy of documents.
Hence the following documents are required
1 certified copy of complite service book of pawan kumar jain
2 Statement of fixation of pay under central civil service ( Revised pay) Rules 2016 OF PAWAN KUMAR JAIN
3 IN which years,how much lone,which work was taken by pawan kumar jain
Please endeavor to send the above mentioned documents to the following address
Order of the Honorable high court Jabalpur m.p. is observable W.A.168/2015 SUNITA JAIN V/S PAWAN KUMAR JAIN DATED 15/05/2018
My addres is .
Sunita jain
PIN 470004
MOB. 9407285685&8770928832 Applicant
Sunita jain