
Request :

1 what are the documents necessary to get a sim card for Citizen of India
2 what are the documents necessary to get a bharti airtel sim card
3 what are the documents necessary to get a Reliance Jio sim card
4 is Aadhaar card mandatory to buy a sim card for Citizen of India
5 is my aadhaar card mandatory to buy a Reliance Jio or bharti airtel sim card
5 1 If Aadhaar card is not mandatory then what are document should i submit to get a Reliance Jio or bharti airtel sim card
5 2 If Aadhaar card is mandatory how can i confirm whether my biometricfinger prints are not misused

Apeal Reply

THe application has been appropriately replied by the CPIO. The CPIO replied on 06.03.2018 vide letter No.800-01/2017/AS.II/386 for the querry raised by the above applicant. The reply contained the links of Departmental instructions No.800-09/2010-VAS dated 09.08.2012 and 800-29/2010-VAS dated 16.08.2016

Apeal Received Date:
Tuesday, March 13, 2018