
Request :

Dear Sir/Madam,
I want answers for the following questions.

Q1. On what premises does telecom operators are asking me to link Aadhar card to my associated mobile number. Were there any guidelines issued by TRAI in support for this move. If yes, what are those guidelines.
Q2. I have every other identity proof except the Aadar card. I such scenario, if I choose not to have an Aadhar card, what other alternatives do I have to verify myself as a mobile subscriber.
Q3. If there were no guidelines issued by TRAI regarding the mandatory linking of Aadhar card with mobile number, can we as a subscriber complain about telecom providers for spamming us with unsolicited routine messages and calls.
Q4. In recent news there were incidents regarding privacy breach and cyber crimes associated with Aadhar cards. How does telecom operators ensures the cyber security as phone numbers are already associated to sensitive services like email or bank accounts.
Q5. What happens when a consumer fail to link Aadhar card with the mobile number due to unavailability of Aadhar card.