
Request :

Hi Team,
Could you please provide me below information.
1.What is time required to use current provider services before port the number to another provider.
2.If a customer using Post Paid since long time and he change to Pre paid with same provider then in how many days he can place number Port request .
3.Is it mandatory to serve 3 month with current provider before Port the number with another provider even customer is not happy with current provider.
4.If the a customer is using Airtel Post paid services since long time and how he want to port his Post Paid to Port in PrePaid with another service provider then what is the Grace Period he need to stay with current provider.
5. Many companies are claiming 4G and selling all connection with 4G and charging accordingly but the are not providing 4G services all time what action govt has been taken against these companies.
6.Where to complaint about this cheating about companies into govt. and how a customer know that any action has been taken against company

Apeal Reply

THe application was duly replied by the CPIO vide following details: "In this connection, it is informed no such information is available in this office. Therefore, the information may be treated as NIL. 3. However, your RTI application is being transferred under Section 6(3) of RTI Act, 2005 to 1. Director(PG), Department of Telecommunications, Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi and 2. Shri S.K.Dutta, CPIO, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhawan, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Old Minto Road, New Delhi-110 002 for providing information, if any, directly to the applicant."

Apeal Received Date:
Friday, February 2, 2018