Latest Updates Archives

S. No. Title Published Date
14581 TENDER DOCUMENT FOR “Outsourcing of Other services for day to day running of office &... 06.01.2016
14582 NIT for intends to hire DLY Taxis (AC/Non-AC) to meet its day-to-day requirement for a period of... 06.01.2016
14583 Tender for disposal of obsolete furniture items reg. 06.01.2016
14584 TENDER For “Office Upkeep & Housekeeping Services” in the O/o Joint Controller of... 06.01.2016
14585 Corrigendum: Limited Tender for providing Services of Hired Commercial Vehicles with Driver for the... 06.01.2016
14586 Posts and Telegraphs Building Works (Group ‘A”) Service (Amendment) Rules, 1994 06.01.2016
14587 Gazette Notification of Amalgamation of IP & TAFS Group B cadre consisting of AAOs, AOs, & Sr. AOs of Department of Posts & Department of Telecommunications 06.01.2016
14588 Declaration oh Heads of TERM cells as heads of Department-Gazette Notification 06.01.2016
14589 Gazette Notification pf nO.614/aDMNi 06.01.2016
14590 The Gazette of India dated 16.07.2013 06.01.2016
14591 The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Amendment,ordiance, 2014 06.01.2016
14592 Indian Government Accounting Standards notified by the Government- Notification in the Gazette of India 06.01.2016
14593 Declaration of Heads of TERM Cells as Heads of the Department-Gazette Notification. 06.01.2016
14594 Amendment to the Indian Wireless Telegraphy(Experimental Services) Rules,1962 06.01.2016
14595 Gazette notification dated 05.10.2012 06.01.2016
14596 Regarding uploading the gattee notifications on e 06.01.2016
14597 Rules of Business For The Telecom Commission 06.01.2016
14598 Resolution dated11-4-1989 constituting the Telecom Commission 06.01.2016
14599 Recruitment Rules for the post of Member (F) 06.01.2016
