Latest Updates Archives

S. No. Title Published Date
11971 ILD License Agreement 03.02.2016
11972 List of Service Provider 03.02.2016
11973 ILD and NLD Licence simplified - Press Release 03.02.2016
11974 ILD Licence Amendment 14.12.2005 03.02.2016
11975 Amendment to the International Long Distance (ILD) Service Licence Agreement for security related concerns for expansion of Telecom Services in various zones of the country 03.02.2016
11976 Implementation of Green Technologies in Telecom Sector 03.02.2016
11977 Amendment of ILD Service Licence Agreement with respect to Annual Licence Fee- Reg 03.02.2016
11978 Amendment of ILD LIcence Agreement regarding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) 03.02.2016
11979 Extension of time for Security certification of Telecom Equipment within India in respect of License Amendment dated 31.05.2011 3rd June 2011 for security related concerns for expansion of Telecom Services in various zones of the country 03.02.2016
11980 Security ciearance for foreign personnel in Telecom Sector-Regarding 03.02.2016
11981 List of ILD Service Providers. 03.02.2016
11982 Regarding MPLS to CMS 03.02.2016
11983 Allotment of Signalling Point Code for ILD services-reg 03.02.2016
11984 Letter related to extension of Security Certification Time 03.02.2016
11985 List of ILD Service Providers As on 15.12.2015 03.02.2016
11986 License agreement for IP-II 01.02.2016
11987 Guidelines & application for IP-I 01.02.2016
11988 Revised guidelines and application for Registration of Infrastructure Provider - Category-I (IP-I) 01.02.2016
11989 Draft registration certificate for Infrastructure Providers-Category-1(IP-1) 01.02.2016
11990 Revised application for registration of Infrastructure-Category-1(IP-1) 01.02.2016
11991 List of IP-I Registered Companies As on 15.12.2015 01.02.2016
11992 Press Release 01.02.2016
11993 Letter to the Access Service Providers 01.02.2016
11994 Instructions to the Access Service Providers 01.02.2016
11995 Procedure for Registration 01.02.2016
11996 Guidelines for Registration for Telemarketers 01.02.2016
11997 Amendment in Term and Conditions 01.02.2016
11998 Press Note 01.02.2016
11999 Decentralization of OSP Registration 01.02.2016
12000 Clarification regarding Terms and Conditions for registration of Other Service Providers (OSP) 01.02.2016
